Twin State Regional Fire School

May 4 - 5, 2024

Two Day Classes

Two Day Classes are held Saturday and Sunday. 
Courses are $200/each except TECC which is $450

Advanced Pumping
This Class is Full

This course expands on the earlier course on pumps and pump operations. Students will continue their development of their understanding of pumps and priming and have an opportunity to put theory into practice. Maintenance, trouble shooting, and pump damage control and avoidance will be emphasized throughout the course. Drafting, portable pump operation and relay pumping will be explored and practiced. 

Instructor: NH Certified Instructor
Prerequisite: None
Equipment: PPE
Maximum class size: 20

This Class is Full

Advanced Vehicle Extrication 

This course continues with advanced construction of cars, vans and pickups and deeper work on new safety features such as boron and other advanced steels and rear glass pistons being discussed. Hand tools will be used along with hydraulics, air bags, reciprocating saws, air chisels and other advanced equipment. Vehicles will be on their wheels as well as upside down, on their sides, roll-overs and other positions. Students should not take this course unless they have had the Basic course or have considerable experience in their own departments. This is not a course for Rookies. 

Instructor: Manufacturer Certified Instructors
Prerequisite: Basic Vehicle Extrication.
Equipment: PPE
Maximum class size:  16  

Code 5 Command 

Code 5 Command is a NIMS-based incident management system developed to provide fire officers with a procedure for conducting command and control functions through systematic application of fundamental concepts. The course defines the system methodology and identifies the key components required to maintain command and control of a typical emergency incident. The course identifies and defines the fundamental concepts of the fireground operation system. Activities consist of computer-generated fireground scenarios that require the student to make decisions based on visual interpretation of the presenting problem. The scenario outcome is based on student decision-making. These scenarios improve with good decision-making and deteriorate with poor decisions. The lessons presented in this course include strategy and tactics, functions of command, fireground size-up, personnel accountability, fireground communications, incident command and control, principles of command, efficient fireground tasks, and command post operations. 

Instructor: Todd Smith, Battalion Chief, Vigilant Fire Service Training, N. Greece NY
Prerequisite: None
Equipment: None
Maximum class size: 18 
Register online here....

Emergency Vehicle Driver Training

Teaches the Emergency Vehicle Operator proper driving technique, the mental as well as physical aspects of the driving task. Includes both classroom and practical driving course. Students are required to bring apparatus to the practical session.  Completion of class does not complete all requirements for certification per NFPA 1002.

Instructor: Vermont Fire Academy
Prerequisite:  Minimum 18 years of age with a valid vehicle operator’s license.
Registrants need to complete Vermont Fire Academy Application with registration – see pdf
Maximum class size: 22 

Logger Rescue 

Topics covered – Types of logging accidents that can happen and how to be best prepared. Equipment that is needed will be discussed. Chain saw training – its uses and how to best be able to use the appropriate machine. Outside portion will be at an actual job site. Scenarios are put into place and students take the overall safety procedures and do’s and don’ts on how best not to become a victim themselves.

Instructor: Chief Dana Hinkley (Ret), Logger Rescue LLC.
Prerequisite: None
Equipment: Hard hat or fire helmet, safety toe boots, work gloves.
Maximum class size: 30 
Class has been Cancelled

FF1:  PPE & Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus 

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) are carefully designed and manufactured to protect firefighters from the day-to-day risks of firefighting. In this module, students will learn how to inspect each component of their PPE for defects and discoloration and properly sanitize each PPE/SCBA ensemble component. Students will learn and describe the features, functions, and proper operation of their SCBA equipment and learn the required steps for conducting a daily PPE/SCBA check. Additionally, students will learn how to correctly and proficiently don and doff their PPE from the floor and off of a rack, don their SCBA via coat and over-the-head methods, and don their SCBA while seated in an apparatus. The student will combine all these skills and complete a work capacity evaluation to assess their air management while performing moderate tasks.  Successful completion will result in the skill portion of the Firefighter 1 criteria being placed on your permanent record at the NH Fire Academy.
Note: Students must adhere to the Twin State Facial Hair Policy. Read the policy here

Instructors: Certified NH State Fire Instructors

Complete the Online Module here:
NH Fire Academy Medical Release Form
Equipment: PPE and SCBA
Maximum Class Size: 24
Register online here....

Rapid Intervention Teams (RIT)

This course is based on our belief in the crawl, walk, run training philosophy. Upon course completion, participants will have the basic knowledge and skills necessary to work in the RIT, to locate, package and extricate a downed firefighter. Practical evolutions will start by covering basic skills, intended to build muscle memory through multiple repetitions. Evolutions will increase in difficulty, building on previous skills culminating in scenarios intended to challenge participants as they work to locate, package and extricate the downed Firefighter.

Instructor: New England Fire Training. 
Prerequisite: PPE and SCBA Certification.
Equipment: PPE, SCBA and spare cylinder, knee pads, dry clothing, water bottle (RIT pack and thermal imaging camera if you have one available).
Maximum class size: 26 
Register online here....

Rookie: An Introduction to the Fire Service

This course will give new firefighters an introduction to basic skills on how to do firefighting safely. Topics covered: Orientation & History of the fire Service, Fire Department Organization & Chain of Command, Safety & Protective Equipment, Fire Service Terminology, Chemistry of Fire & Fire Behavior, Classes of Fires & Fire Extinguishers, Orientation to Fire Apparatus, Hose & Appliances, Ground Ladders, Hand Tools, and Ropes & Knots. Firefighters should be physically able to carry out the physical rigors of firefighting. 
Note: Students must adhere to the Twin State Facial Hair Policy. Read the policy here 

Instructors: Certified NH State Fire Instructors
Prerequisites: None
Equipment: PPE SCBA
Maximum Class Size: 55
Register online here....

Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC)

NAEMT’s Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC) course teaches EMS practitioners and other prehospital providers how to respond to and care for patients in a civilian tactical environment.
The course presents the three phases of tactical care and integrates parallel EMS nomenclature:
• Hot Zone/Direct Threat Care that is rendered while under attack or in adverse conditions.
• Warm Zone/Indirect Threat Care that is rendered while the threat has been suppressed but may resurface at any point. • Cole Zone/Evacuation Care that is rendered while the casualty is being evacuated from the incident site. The 16-hour classroom course includes all new patient simulations and covers the following topics:
• Hemorrhage control including immediate action drills for tourniquet application throughout the course;
• Complete coverage of the MARCH assessment; • Surgical airway control and needle decompression;
• Strategies for treating wounded responders in threatening environments;
• Caring for pediatric patients;
• Techniques for dragging and carrying victims to safety; and
• A final, mass-casualty/active shooter event simulation. 

All levels of EMTs can take this program. Students will be tested on the skills appropriate for their level.
Students will receive a textbook. Students who successfully complete the course will receive 16 hours of EMS CEU.

Instructors: Vermont EMS Academy
Prerequisites: Certified EMR, EMT, EMT-A or Paramedic
Equipment: None
Maximum class size: 17
Note: Cost for this Program is $450 per student 


Wilderness Search and Rescue

This class will go over the basic skills needed to participate in a search and rescue operation. The first day will focus on “Search,” including terminology, initial actions, proper clothing and equipment, and strategy and tactics to locate a missing person in the backcountry. Sunday will provide “Rescue” instruction in basic extrication techniques, including patient packaging and safe litter movement over moderate and low angle terrain.

Instructor: Drew Clymer, Search & Rescue Coordinator, VT Dept. of Public Safety
Prerequisites: None
Good footwear, leather gloves, clothing for outdoor class - rain or shine; compass and GPS if possible.
Maximum class size:  17
Register online here....