Welcome to the 
2025 Twin State Regional Fire School

The Twin State Mutual Aid Fire Association was officially formed in 1976 and it was immediately recognized that a Fire School to provide basic firefighter classes was very important and the first Fire School was started in 1976. The Fire School has operated continuously except for 1 year due to the COVID Pandemic. Since 1984 the school has operated at the Blue Mountain Union School in Wells River, Vermont.

Over the years the school has averaged 125-150 students, last year the school had over 300 students each day. It is anticipated that this year will have 300+ students each day as the school information is able to reach more firefighters using email and this website. Over the years numerous classes have been provided to students from Vermont and New Hampshire that are recognized as being taught by outstanding instructors and the content of high quality.

Four classes incorporate the skills portion of Firefighter 1 modules that will be credited at the New Hampshire Fire Academy and once all modules are complete will result in certification at the NFPA Firefighter 1 level which will be recognized nationally.

Registration is to be done on-line and will be available to Twin State Mutual Aid Association firefighters on February 10 and to all on February 24th.

Registration deadline is April 15th Registrations received after the deadline will be considered if vacancies exist. If your registration is confirmed, you will receive an email confirmation.

Classes that are full will not allow you to register. It is anticipated that most all classes will meet the maximum so early registration is recommended.  Students must check in at the Blue Mountain School unless advised differently by your instructor. Check-in will commence at 7 am on each day.

All classes are $100 per day except for the Tactical Emergency Casualty Care 2-day class which is $450 for the 2-day class and includes a textbook.

Payment options include mailing a check, payment on-line or Department billing. Payment must be received prior to the class to be allowed to attend the class.
Checks should be made out to:
T.S.M.A.F.A and mailed to:
Grafton County Dispatch
3785 Dartmouth College Highway
N. Haverhill, NH 03774 

Participation Requirements:

All students must be affiliated with a Fire Department that will provide Worker’s Compensation insurance for the student. Students must be at least 18 years old and physically fit to actively participate in the class. 

Instructor Communication:
Instructors will have the class roster shortly after the registration deadline and will have the ability to communicate with the students by email. Communications may include homework assignments, equipment needs or the location of the class if not on the school campus.

School Operating Schedule:
Students are to register and attend the daily Assembly by 8 am and classes will start promptly at 8:30 am and will continue until 4:00 pm on both days.

Coffee and snacks will be available prior to class and during breaks for a cost. Lunch times will be staggered by class and lunch is included in the tuition. The food is prepared and provided by the junior class of the Blue Mountain school who raise funds for their senior class trip.

There will be an Assembly in the school gym on both days. It will start promptly at 8 am. All students and instructors are expected to attend unless an off-campus class and been advised to report to the class location by your instructor.

PPE Requirement:
Where a class indicates that PPE is required that includes coat, pants, hood, helmet, boots and gloves. The PPE type and quality must be acceptable to the class instructor.

SCBA Requirement:
Where a class indicates that SCBA is required it must be positive pressure with a PASS device and in good working condition. A spare air cylinder must be provided. The air cylinders must be in compliance with DOT hydrostatic testing requirements. The PPE type and quality must be acceptable to the class instructor.  It is necessary that the student comply with the Twin State Facial Hair SCBA Policy which can be found here.


Each student that successfully completes the class will receive a certificate at the end of the class.

FF 1 Certification Program:
For the first time the Fire School will offer FF1 skill modules that will allow a firefighter from Vermont or New Hampshire to work towards obtaining FF 1 certification. It consists of an on-line portion and a skills session for each module. Once a module is satisfactorily complete it will be on your permanent record at the NH Fire Academy with no expiration. Click here for more information.

Emergency Contact:
If a student must be reached in an emergency, the caller should contact the Grafton County Dispatch at 603.787.6911 who will contact the School Administration.

Professional Behavior:
All students are expected to behave professionally both in and out of class. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated and will be reported to the student’s Chief. There is no smoking allowed on the school campus.

School Directions:
The Blue Mountain Union School is located off of Route 302 just east of exit 17 if I-91 in Wells River, Vermont.  Directions to off campus classes will be provided in advance by the instructor.

Cancellation Policy: 
In the event the student has paid for a class that is subsequently cancelled by the Instructor and or due to lack of participation those students/departments shall have their tuition reimbursed by the Fire School. Students that have paid and do not attend their class(es) shall not be eligible for reimbursement.

Questions concerning the Fire School can be sent by email to: [email protected]